
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Wreath

Create an ornament wreath for the Holidays! 
 It looks difficult but its really not. Maybe a little time consuming. I really got into it though. I started it off at like 10pm and was originally planning just to do some work on it until i got tired. Then I looked up and it was almost 2am! But I had a lot of fun making it and that's whats important.

  What you need:

  1. A base: I used a wire base from Micheals (use a coupon and get 40% off) I highly recommend the wire rather than the foam, for one its cheaper and for two once you go to hang it its much sturdier. 
  2.  some string: I used this to secure the initial ornaments around the outside and inside
  3.  hot glue gun and sticks 
  4. a whole lot of ornaments!! I got mine from Dollar Tree and Big Lots. I really lost count because I had to get more before I started after I laid everything out. i think i got somewhere around 32 silver, 8 blue, and 16 small silver ornaments 
  5. some garland: if you use the wire frame and attempt to glue and sew some things on that they won't stay very well so wrap some garland around it first to give a easier base to glue and tie things to. It also makes it so you can't see the base if there are little parts you can see through all you would see is the pretty garland. 
  6. Something small to fill in the gaps. I used some small decorative balls that Micheals had in a bag. I got two bags (didn't use all of the two but used the rest for a table centerpiece decoration). 
  7. something to hang it with. 
 I am upset that I did not take process pictures but once I got started I didn't pause for anything. But if you just google search "ornament wreath tutorial" there are plenty of people with pictures.

 How to Assemble:

  1.  decide on a color scheme and go shopping 
  2. wrap the garland around the wire base and secure it
  3.  lay out ornaments around the edge of the base and the inside and determine a pattern and if more ornaments are going to be necessary. 
  4.  secure the ornaments around the edge with a combination of string and hot glue 
  5. secure the ornaments around the edge of the center the same way
  6. start going crazy with attaching ornaments. I started to use the string with the ones for the bulk of it and decided that was unnecessary. As long as you are gluing to an ornament that is secure that one will be fine. 
  7.  Fill in blanks with smaller ornaments and don't be afraid to build it up a little. 
  8.  Once you have it how you like it go around and try and move each ornament and secure it with more hot glue if need be. 
  9.  get your wreath hanger and put it through a space on the back where the wire is. This is a little trial and error about which spot might be the best.
  10.  hang it on the door and show it off!